Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Google-as a drive and a search engine

 Google-as a drive and a search engine

Q.1. What is Google drive?

Q.2. What are the benefits of Google Drive?

Q.3. Which are the different types of files we can create and share on Google Drive?

Q.4. What is the use of documents?

Q.5. What is the use of spreadsheets?

Q.6. What is the use of presentations?

Q.7. What is the use of forms?

Q.8. What is the use of  drawings?

Q.9. How can we use a google drive?

Q.10. Which are the two main types of files we can store on Google Drive?

Q.11. How do you upload a file to Google Drive?

Q.12. How do you upload a folder to Google Drive?

Q.13. How do you create a folder?

Q.14. How do you move files into folders?

Q.15. How do you add multiple files to the same folder?

Q.16. How do you delete a file?

Q.17. How do you share a file with a limited number of groups?

Q.18. How do you share a link?

Q.19. What is a link?

Q.20. Describe Google as a search engine?

Q.21. How to search words or text in Google search engine?

Q.22. How to do image search in Google?

Q.23. How do we search for a definition?

Q.24. How can we use Google as a translator?

Q.25. What is the web address of Google?

Q.26. Describe Dogpile search?

Q.27. What is the web address of Bing? Describe Bing as a search engine.

Q.28. What is the web address of Yahoo? Describe Yahoo as a search engine.

Q.29. What is the web address of Ask Jeeves? Describe Ask Jeeves.

Introduction to E-Mail

 Introduction to E-Mail

Q.1. What is an e-mail?

Q.2. What can we attach to email?

Q.3. What is the function of a mail server?

Q.4. Name some mail servers?

Q.5. What are the advantages of email?

Q.6. What are the disadvantages of email?

Q.7. What do we need to receive emails?

Q.8. What are the components of an email address?

Q.9. What is a domain name?

Q.10. Name the websites which allow free email accounts?

Q.11. How to create an email account with Gmail?

Q.12. What is log in or sign in?

Q.13. What are the components of an Email window?

Q.14. How do we compose an email?

Q.15. What is an address book?

Q.16. How to attach files to an email?

Q.17. How do we log out from an account?

Q.18. What precautions should we follow while sending emails?

Q.19. What precautions should we follow while receiving emails?

Q.20. What precautions should we follow while reading emails?

Q.21. What is Netiquette?

Q.22. Mention some good netiquette?

Q.23. What is a blog?

Q.24. What is blogging?

Introduction to HTML 5

 Introduction to HTML 5

Q.1. What is HTML?

Q.2. What is a hypertext?

Q.3. What is a markup language?

Q.4. Give a brief history of HTML?

Q.5. What are the features of HTML 5?

Q.6. What are the two basic tools needed to work with HTML documents?

Q.7. What are the features of an ideal HTML editor?

Q.8. Name two commonly used HTML editors.

Q.9. Name popular WYSIWYG editors.

Q.10. What is a browser? Name some browsers.

Q.11. How do you create a webpage in HTML?

Q.12. How do you view a webpage?

Q.13. What does an HTML code consist of?

Q.14. What are Tags?

Q.15. What are the rules and syntax of HTML Tags?

Q.16. What are elements in HTML?

Q.17. HTML elements can be classified into how many types? Describe each.

Q.18. What are attributes?

Q.19. What are the rules of writing HTML code?

Q.20. What parts are contained in the general structure of an HTML document?

Q.21. Describe the head section.

Q.22. Describe the body section.

Q.23. Describe the basic structure of an HTML document.

Q.24. Which two types of HTML elements are used in the body tag?

Q.25. Describe the block level elements. Give examples.

Q.26. Describe the text level elements. Give examples.

Q.27. Describe headings in HTML.

Q.28. Describe paragraphs in HTML.

Q.29. Describe line break elements.

Q.30. Describe horizontal rules.

Q.31. Describe comments in HTML.

Q.32. Describe bold,italics and underline.

Q.33. What are cascading style sheets?

Q.34. What are the benefits of CSS?

Q.35. Explain the CSS terminology like property, value, declaration, selector and rule.

Q.36. What are the methods of applying CSS?

Q.37. What are the background properties?

Q.38. Explain

  1. Background color

  2. Background image

  3. Background position

  4. Background repeat

  5. Background attachment

Create Games in Scratch

 Create Games in Scratch

Q.1. How do you add a sprite?

Q.2. How do you import new sprites?

Q.3. How do you create a new sprite?

Q.4. How do you change the costume of a sprite?

Q.5. How do you save a sprite?

Q.6. How do you change the background color of the stage?

Q.7. Create a basic pong game.

Formulas and Functions

 Formulas and Functions

Q.1. What are formulas?

Q.2. What are functions?

Q.3. What formula can include?

Q.4. What is a range?

Q.5. What is a marquee?

Q.6. What is pointing?

Q.7. Give an example of using a basic formula?

Q.8. Give an example of using a compound formula?

Q.9. What is a compound formula?

Q.10. Give an example of using a range in the formula?

Q.11. What is concatenation?

Q.12. Give an example of concatenation?

Q.13. What is cell reference?

Q.14. Explain relative references.

Q.15. Give an example of relative reference?

Q.16. How do you define names for cells?

Q.17. Explain absolute references.

Q.18. Give an example of absolute references.

Q.19. Explain mixed reference?

Q.20. Give an example of mixed reference?

Q.21. Which rule is used to evaluate the mathematical expressions?

Q.22. What are circular references?

Q.23. Which are the two methods to pull data from another worksheet?

Q.24. How do you use the copy-paste option on different worksheets?

Q.25. How do you use sheet references? Explain with an example.

Q.26. How do you rename a worksheet?

Q.27. How do you change the color of the sheet tab?

Q.28. What are arguments?

Q.29. What are the rules to enter a function?

Q.30. Describe the autosum function.

Q.31. Explain autosum function with the help of an example?

Q.32. Describe the average function?

Q.33. Explain Average() function with the help of an example.

Q.34. Explain Max() function with the help of an example.

Q.35. How do you use a quick analysis tool?

Q.36. Which function is used to show the current date?

Q.37. Explain the Today() function.

Q.38. Name some functions and their purpose?

Q.39. How do you use the LCM function?

Q.40. How do you use the GCD function?

Q.41. Explain the Insert function.

More on MS Excel 2016

 More on MS Excel 2016

Q.1. Which symbol marks the beginning of a formula in MS Excel?

Q.2. What maximum length can a formula have?

Q.3. What can be used for data in a formulae?

Q.4. What is concatenation?

Q.5. How do we create a simple text value? Which symbol is used to join text values to one another?

Q.6. Explain the arithmetic operators in MS Excel?

Q.7. Explain the relational operators in MS Excel?

Q.8. Explain the logical operators in MS Excel?

Q.9. State some common error results and their reasons?

Q.10. What is the order of precedence of the mathematical operations?

Q.11. What is the use of copying a formula?

Q.12. Explain the steps to copy a formula?

Q.13. What is a fill handle?

Q.14. What is the function of SUM() Formulae?

Q.15. What is the function of AVERAGE() formulae?

Q.16. What is the function of Max() formulae?

Q.17. Which function is used to find the minimum value from a given set of values?

Q.18. What is sorting?

Q.19. What is editing? Which operation we can perform while editing?

Q.20. How do you overwrite cell contents?

Q.21. How to sort data in MS Excel?

Q.22. How do you modify cell contents partially?

Q.23. How can you delete the cell contents?

Q.24. How do you copy the contents of a cell?

Q.25. How do you move the cell contents?

Q.26. How do you insert cells?

Q.27. How to insert rows/columns?

Q.28. How to delete cells?

Q.29. How to delete rows/columns?

Q.30. How do you adjust the row height?

Q.31. How do you adjust the column width?

Q.32. What are sparklines?

Q.33. How do you insert sparklines?

Q.34. What is conditional formatting?

Q.35. What is an auto fill feature?

Q.36. How do you create numeric data series?

Q.37. How do you create a predefined series of days?

More on MS PowerPoint 2016

 More on MS PowerPoint 2016

Q.1. What is a MS PowerPoint?

Q.2. What are slides?

Q.3. What functions can be performed with slides?

Q.4. How do you start MS PowerPoint?

Q.5. What are the components of PowerPoint 2016 Window?

Q.6. Describe the Home Tab?

Q.7. Describe the Inert Tab?

Q.8. Describe the Design Tab?

Q.9. Describe the Transitions Tab?

Q.10. Describe the  Animations Tab?

Q.11. Describe the  Slide Show Tab?

Q.12. Describe the Review Tab?

Q.13. Describe the View Tab?

Q.14. Which shapes are available in Microsoft PowerPoint? What functions can be performed with it?

Q.15. Show the use of shapes with an example?

Q.16. How do you rotate a shape?

Q.17. How do you resize a shape?

Q.18. How do you apply a transition effect?

Q.19. Describe the built-in transition effects?

Q.20. What are the categories of built-in transition effects?

Q.21. How do you adjust the transition speed?

Q.22. How do you add sound to a transition effect?

Q.23. Describe advancing a slide?

Q.24. How do you remove a transition effect?

Q.25. What is an animation?

Q.26. How many types of animation are there?

Q.27. What are the steps to add animation to text or an object?

Q.28. What are the colors of Entrance effect icons, Emphasis effects icons and exit effect icons?

Q.29. How do you combine animation effects?

Q.30. How do you remove the animation effects?

Q.31. How many views are offered by PowerPoint 2016?

Q.32. Describe the Normal View?

Q.33. Describe the Slide Sorter View?

Q.34. Describe the Reading View?

Q.35. Describe the Slide Show View?

Q.36. Describe the notes page?

Q.37. How do you rearrange slides in Slide Sorter View?

Q.38. How do you run a slideshow?

Q.39. Which function key is used to start the presentation from the first slide?

Q.40. Which command is given to start the presentation from the current slide?

Q.41. Which key is used to stop a presentation before reaching the end?

More on MS-Word 2016

 More on MS-Word 2016

Q.1. What is Microsoft Word 2016?

Q.2. When do we need to find and replace text?

Q.3. How do you find a particular text?

Q.4. How do you replace a text?

Q.5. What is a hyperlink?

Q.6. How do you insert a hyperlink?

Q.7. What is called following the link?

Q.8. What are columns in text?

Q.9. What is column formatting?

Q.10. What are the steps to apply column formatting?

Q.11. What is a Drop Cap?

Q.12. How do you apply Drop Cap?

Q.13. How do you apply a watermark?

Q.14. What is a watermark?

Q.15. How do you set a custom watermark?

Q.16. What is line spacing?

Q.17. What are the steps to set line spacing?

Q.18. What is paragraph spacing?

Q.19. How do you set paragraph spacing?

Q.20. Describe Page Margin?

Q.21. How do you set Page Margins?

Q.22. What is the use of mail merge?

Q.23. What are the requirements of the process of mail merge?

Q.24. What is the main document in mail merge?

Q.25. What is the data source in mail merge?

Q.26. What is merging and what is a merged document?

Q.27. How do you perform mail merge?

More on Windows 10 (File Management)

 More on Windows 10 (File Management)

Q.1. How can file management be done on Windows?

Q.2. What is a file explorer?

Q.3. What functions can be done with file explorer?

Q.4. Where are the deleted files and folders kept?

Q.5. Is there any relation between removable storage media and recycle bin?

Q.6. What is the use of Disk Cleanup?

Q.7. How do you open file explorer?

Q.8. Which are the two ways to copy and move files using explorer?

Q.9. How do you copy and move files using drag and drop?

Q.10. How do you select consecutive files and folders?

Q.11. How do you select non consecutive files and folders?

Q.12. How do you use the cut/copy and paste option?

Q.13. What is multitasking?

Q.14. What are the advantages of multitasking?

Q.15. What are the disadvantages of multitasking?

Q.16. What is a file extension?

Q.17. Give file extension of the following programs

  1. Text files

  2. mp3 files

  3. jpeg image files

  4. Power Point files

Q.18. Give some file extensions and mention the programs which use them?

Computer Language

 Computer Language

Q.1. What is a SYNTAX of a language?

Q.2. What do you understand about Low Level Language?

Q.3. What is a machine language?

Q.4. What is an assembly language?

Q.5. What is an assembler?

Q.6. What are the drawbacks of assembly language?

Q.7. Who is regarded as the first computer programmer?

Q.8. What is a high level language?

Q.9. What is the full form of BASIC?

Q.10. What is the full form of COBOL?

Q.11. What is the full form of FORTRAN?

Q.12. Describe C?

Q.13. Which is a popular object oriented programming language?

Q.14. Describe fourth generation languages.

Q.15. Describe fifth generation languages.

Q.16. Give examples of fifth generation languages?

Q.17. What is a translator?

Q.18. What is a compiler?

Q.19. What is a source program and what is an object program?

Q.20. What is an assembler?

Q.21. What is an interpreter?

Q.22. Which runs faster, a compiled object code or an interpreted source code?

Google-as a drive and a search engine

  Google-as a drive and a search engine Q.1. What is Google drive? Q.2. What are the benefits of Google Drive? Q.3. Which are the different ...